Terms & Conditions
Terms & Conditions
The information on this site is the property of Casas da Corujeira. Downloading, reproduction or reference in whole or in part for commercial purposes is strictly prohibited.
The user of this site may not use any software or application that interferes with its normal operation. You may not use any application, automatic mechanism or manual process to monitor or copy the pages, without the prior consent and authorization of Casas da Corujeira.
You may use usernames and passwords to access certain restricted content. The content of restricted areas is confidential to Casas da Corujeira and may not be used for profit or commercial purposes.
The content of this site may have errors or be out of date. Casas da Corujeira may make, without prior notice, changes or corrections to the information published.
The commitment of Casas da Corujeira is to ensure quality service to all customers and site visitors, as well as problems related to their privacy.
Use and accessibility of the site www.casasdacorujeira.pt
Access and use of this site is subject to automatic and immediate acceptance of the Casas da Corujeira Terms of Use. If you do not agree with them, you should immediately stop using this site.
We reserve the right to change the terms of use and access to the site www.casasdacorujeira.pt at any time without prior notice.
The availability of access to the site may be suspended temporarily or permanently and without notice. Although we do everything possible to ensure the availability of access and use of the site 24 hours a day, we are not responsible if, for any reason, it is not available at any time.
We reserve the absolute right and no justification to modify, remove, add or discontinue part of the content contained on the site. Use and accessibility may be restricted without notice.